Sunday, November 14, 2010

9th Coconut Festival

The Philippine Coconut Authority will hold the , a trade fair and exhibit that will showcase the best of the coconut industry, from 12-15 August 2010 at the SM Mega Trade Hall 1, SM Megamall, Mandaluyong City.

The event is in line with the 24th National Coconut Week celebration.

PCA Administrator Oscar Garin said the celebration is a "tribute of honor and thanksgiving for the blessings and benefits derived from the industry to establish a continuing awareness of its lasting importance to our national life."

It was mandated by Presidential Proclamation No. 142 series of 1987 issued by the late President Corazon C. Aquino.

This year's theme "Niyog – Yaman ng Pinoy," will highlight the immense national magnitude of the coconut in the life of the millions of Filipinos depending on the industry for their livelihood.

The PCA Central Office and its 12 regional and 68 provincial offices will spearhead the celebration to create awareness on the wealth that can be derived from the coconut also known as the "Tree of Life."

The event will provide a venue for information-sharing and trading activities and will showcase the business opportunities from the coconut. Lectures and demonstrations on the latest coconut technologies will also be held.

For details please contact Market Development Department at Telephone No. (632) 928-4501 locals 412 and 403.

4commentsBlogTactic // August 6, 2010 1:51 PM 

Interest to know that there is such festival about coconuts.


Retail Conference Offers Chance to Students

The Philippine Retailers Association (PRA) believes that students are key to continuing the growth of entrepreneurship in the country. As tomorrow's retailers and entrepreneurs, PRA offers students a rare chance to listen to experts on retail innovation, social media, customer behavior and trends, sustainable retailing, wealth management and best practices in HR at the upcoming 19th National Retail Conference and Stores Asia Expo (NRCE).

Graduating students may avail of a special rate of PhP 1,000 to attend the two-day conference in place of the regular conference rate of PhP 7,950. Open to graduating business, marketing and entrepreneurship students who are presently enrolled, the 19th NRCE will be held on 11-12 August 2010 at the SMX Convention Center, Bay Boulevard, Pasay City. Pre-registration is required for interested students.

Themed "The Roadmap to Retail Growth in the New Decade", NRCE is the biggest retail industry event in the country. It is attended by over 600 retail owners, CEOs and top level executives all over the country.

According to Mr. Martin Roll, NRCE's Guest of Honor, "Filipino entrepreneurs can well take advantage of a global readiness for the Asian brand".

This is the compelling insight coming from Roll, who, together with Jollibee's Tony Tan Caktiong, will keynote the country's biggest retail conference. Roll stated that the rise of the Asian middle class and the unfolding of the Asian myth among people of the West are among reasons behind this opportunity to grow distinct markets which go for the Asian brand. Roll was recently in town to begin a series of pre-conference visits.

Official newspaper is The Philippine STAR, official media partners are BusinessWorld, Entrepreneur, Retail in Asia, The Philippine Business News and Forum (online).

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Opportunity for Sari-Sari Stores

Philippine rural lenders have expressed intentions of expanding mobile banking services through third-party agents such as sari-sari stores.

The proposal will allow rural banks to offer services to more clients, especially in far-flung areas, an official of the Rural Bank Association of the Philippines (RBAP) said.

The initiative involves appointing merchants – such as sari-sari stores – "which have the ability to service significantly larger amounts," RBAP past president Tomas Gomez IV said in a briefing.

By allowing these small establishments to handle bigger amounts through electronic banking, these merchants may also be able to offer financial services to their clients.

"The sari-sari store has already the infrastructure but it requires additional training and management. I cannot pre-empt what the BSP is saying

Reputable Online Vendors?

Many start-up businesses today resort to online software vendors in the search for the cheapest software solutions out there in the market. However, in the same vein that Internet commerce is "largely unrestricted, self-regulated and anonymous," it is often difficult to ascertain the quality of goods and services purchased through the web, unless one has had previous dealings with their regular supplier offline.

The Business Software Alliance (, it its 2009 Internet Piracy Report, notes: "Consumers should proceed with caution when purchasing and using software from unknown vendors online. Using illegal software can put one's personal information, and even reputation at risk. At the very least, it can lead to software incompatibility and viruses, drive up maintenance cost, and leave users without technical support or security updates."

Another study from BSA and IDC research firm shows that malware and pirated software frequently co-exist on certain Web sites that offer access to pirated software and piracy-related tools. At least a quarter of such sites were found to be rife with trojans and other security threats that are imbedded into downloaded products or distributed through other means to infect visitors' computers.

Training on New Farming Method

Food, as it is commercially produced today, has lost its quality of aliveness. More alarmingly, the process by which it is produced creates ecological imbalance. When soil is tilled or crops are removed, the land is exploited through the depletion not only of minerals but also of its subtle life forces.

In Biodynamic agriculture, weakened life forces are revitalized, stimulating root growth, microorganism production, and humus formation. This farming method brings back life into vegetables, fruit, and grains.

On 4 September 2010, Prado Farms will host a hands-on training on biodynamic agriculture. The training, called Practical Abundance, will discuss the basics of biodynamic agriculture and how it keeps nature in balance. Participants will receive training on actual biodynamic compost preparation, stirring and spraying from one of the country’s experts, Gregory Kitma.

Kitma, president of the Philippine Bio-dynamic Agriculture Research Foundation, Inc. (PhilBio), says biodynamic agriculture revitalizes the life forces of the soil, stimulating root growth, microorganism production, and humus formation. The method makes use of sprays and soil starter preparations derived from cow manure, herbs and mineral substances that will be applied to soil and plants. Biodynamic soils absorb and hold back large amounts of water, and assist in lessening the severity of floods.

PhilBio is a non-government organization that aims to promote biodynamic agriculture in the country. Together with a small group of vegetable farmers in the province Benguet and Mt Province, Kitma also serves as a consultant for organic and bio-dynamic agriculture to various NGOs and individuals in the country.

The training is open to farm owners who wish to introduce biodynamic agricultural process in their lands or know more about the benefits of the system, farmers who want to learn about implementation of the bio-dynamic process, agricultural students, professors, NGO professionals, and other individulas who wish to learn more about biodynamic farming and are interested in the practical application of Rudolf Steiner's Ideas on anthroposophy. Training will be held in Prado Farms in Prado Siongco, Lubao, Pampanga.

For inquiries and reservations, contact (0632) 899-4675, text 0920-9831329.

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9th Filipino Franchise Show

The Association of Filipino Franchisers, Inc. (AFFI) is proud to announce that the is happening on 16-19 September 2010, 11:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. at the World Trade Center.

This year's tradeshow will not be like any other they have staged before. The will run for four days instead of just three days, which was the case in the previous tradeshows they have held. They will also be occupying two exhibit halls this time to accommodate more proven successful franchisers, as well as new and promising brands belonging to the food, retail and service industries.

The is indeed rich with opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned businessmen in search of the right venture, and also for established companies wanting to grow their business through franchising.

Good news also for aspiring entrepreneurs! This is also an opportunity to have a face to face meeting with the franchisers themselves and learn a lot from their own experiences.

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10 Proven Tactics for Business Growth

Growing a business requires continuous attention, careful planning and a willingness to take calculated risks. No matter how successful, a business left by its self will go to pot. In the last decade, the cost and risks associated with doing business have risen dramatically, but also opportunities. Drawing from the experiences with small and medium enterprises of its members, the Manila-based Association of Development Finance Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) proposes:

1) Give priority to new product or service development. Always seek ways to improve what you have to offer and develop means to reinvigorate your own products or services before someone else does.

2) Find new applications for existing products or services. Be sure to establish a communication means between your company and your product/service users to determine how they really use your products. Offering a financial incentive to surface new applications helps too!

3) Remember the easiest sale of them all. You have already spent the money to acquire your customers and build a relationship with them, why not ask what else we can make or provide for them?

4) Know where to get all the answers. All the answers about how your company is doing, where it should go and what it should stop doing, reside within your own customer base.

5) Buy rather than build. Take a gook look at your targeted industry. There usually is a resource limited company that offers viable products and services that relate to yours. Consider buying them versus investing the same money in organic growth alternative.

6) Think out of boundaries. If you just focus on one market, someday you will find your company can no longer effectively compete because someone else beat you to others.

7) Go eCommerce. Establish an effective means, via the Internet for your customers to educate and update themselves, solve their own problems and order your products with a few clicks of the computer mouse.

8) Know when to say "No" and "Stop". Making or doing something that no longer makes financial sense needs to be dealt with decisively, no matter the, "we have always made those, we have always sold those, or we have always done it that way" commentary.

9) Measure and publish everything. Business practices can only be improved upon if they are written, measured, tracked and periodically audited for effectiveness. All results justify being shared with all employees, good or bad. Always celebrate success publicly, criticize poor performance privately.

10) There is always a price to pay for business growth. There is no clear roadmap on how to best grow your company, each company has its own growth challenges.

Source: Business Line Vol. 2 No. 3 2004

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